Arkansas Women's Network Member Spotlight Shanna Raper
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Friday, June 14, 2024
By Arkansas Women's Network
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Shanna Raper

As an Independent Insurance Agent, I offer more than a Medicare plan. I am an educator, service provider, problem solver, resource center, etc. I am on a mission to educate the senior population on our Medicare system and how we can prepare before, during and after Medicare enrollment. I have dedicated years to this mission and industry and have used this experience to build relationships with clients, and to also build strong, strategic relationships with other agencies and businesses to assist the senior community.

I have a unique background in which I have served as a business owner, bank auditor, realtor, military spouse and most importantly, a stay-at-home mom. After college, I, successfully owned and operated a commercial store front for teachers in the Sherwood area while my husband served two tours in Iraq with the U.S. Army. We then sold our business and moved to Oklahoma City where my husband worked for the United States Secret Service. During this time, I had the privilege of raising our two kids, Ella (19) and Kaden (13), while also volunteering as President of the PTO for our kids’ elementary school. I also served terms as President and Treasurer for our neighborhood HOA. Both of these leadership roles assisted me to stay involved and engaged with other business leaders and individuals in the community.

Currently, I use the skills developed from my experience to network and engage with individuals and businesses to empower and educate my clients and my community, specifically the senior community, on their options as they come into Medicare Insurance. I have a passion to empower the seniors of our community to have the knowledge to make educated decisions on their retirement and their healthcare. As we age, we tend to feel less knowledgeable and vulnerable to the ever-changing world around us and I believe that knowledge is power. I am dedicated to my mission of empowering seniors by providing friendly, knowledgeable service and education.

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