Arkansas Women's Network Member Spotlight Becca Mitchell
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Tuesday, July 09, 2024
By Arkansas Women's Network
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Becca Mitchell - IMPACT Mastermind Coach

My Short-ish Story

I went to pharmacy school for two reasons: I didn’t want to touch people and I wanted to make a decent salary while being a part-time stay at home mom. Then my first kid was colicky and I couldn’t wait to go back to work. So began a decade of climbing the corporate ladder and losing a bit more of my identity outside of work with every rung. I consistently chose the company over home because I felt so much more confident and competent being VP than Mama. Losing two babies between our boys didn’t help.

As an enneagram 3, I had a very long and absurd mental checklist of what made a “good” mom and so many of those boxes were unchecked. So if I wasn’t a great mom, at least I could contribute financially. Yet I still berated myself for every perceived shortcoming, every time I yelled, every time I missed an event because I was traveling. The “good moms should” habit took a lot of work to break.

Working with a life coach, I began to rethink how I wanted my life to look. I grieved the job I no longer loved and the decade I had given it the very best of myself. I made big, scary decisions – like leaving that job in 2018 without a plan and trusting that where God guides, He provides. I started a consulting business with one client and one contract and built it to the point it exceeded my previous corporate income. I made another big, scary decision in 2023 to step back from that role to travel less and – if I’m honest – I’m still figuring out what the next phase looks like.

When my longtime coach, Selena Ulasewich, asked me at the end of 2022 to consider becoming a women’s coach with Impact Coaching & Consulting, I knew immediately that it was a YES. Because I’ve been in a high-stress high-stakes corporate world, in healthcare, fighting the patriarchy, in the scary place of starting and growing a small business, and in all the places in between … I am passionate about encouraging other women along their journey. Because I’ve been the smiling, cheerful mom at the class party who was so secretly guilt-ridden and ashamed she couldn’t look herself in the mirror at home … I can help you stop “shouldering” yourself to death, redefine success and what being a “good” mom looks like for you, and grow into a version of you that you like and respect.

My job as a coach isn’t to tell you what to do, but rather to help you ask the hard questions so you think about your situation differently, see your opportunities through a new lens, navigate the sticky parts with confidence, and little-by-little design a life you love. Because I was helped when I needed it, I am so honored to help others.


About Me


  • Raised in Conway (#sixlegs)
  • Currently in Greenbrier
  • Married to Brian (20-year anniversary on July 30, 2024!)
  • Stinky boys are Cole (almost 16) & Mason (11)
  • Best girl is Charlie Mae (cowgirl corgi)


  • Doctor of Pharmacy from UAMS (2008)


  • Women’s Mastermind Coach with Impact Coaching & Consulting
  • LimeLife by Alcone Beauty Guide (the counterbalance to all the testosterone in my life with boys)
  • Currently a licensed pharmacist in 17 states, working from home as a consultant in biopharma Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs (nerd alert!)
  • Served on the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy 2017-2023


  • Helping women grow in confidence and purpose
  • Symmetry and bulleted outlines
  • Razorback sports
  • Naps
  • Gardening
  • Fresh pears
  • Mexican food


  • Flying insects
  • Sweating
  • All kinds of melon (even watermelon)


  • Color – no idea
  • Sports team – Razorbacks and whatever team my kids are on this week
  • Food – Mexican
  • Book/Movie – Pride & Prejudice
  • Non-Fiction Book – Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson

Random Fun Facts

  • I’m a Green Bay Packers shareholder.
  • I once fell asleep in a Metallica concert.
  • Brian and I play Rummy almost every night before bed.

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